Black Opal
The ask Build an awareness campaign to amplify how BLK/OPL consumers can empower young girls in their local communities and around the world.
The challenge Even though the brand garnered a fan base among makeup artists, and was the first to fill a mass market gap in cosmetics for Black women, it has for the most part flown under the radar. Despite its achievements, the brand lost its market leadership in today’s bustling multicultural beauty business.
The story To carve out its place in a competitive landscape, Black Opal names Noella Coursaris Musunka as its first global brand ambassador. Noella’s grassroots organization, Malaika, empowers Congolese girls through education, and elevates causes BLK/OPL has long cared about—empowering Black women and girls education.
The result The partnership and campaign highlight the brand’s potential as a force for good, and uncover significant internal and external benefits as well. This way of engaging its consumer led to a reputation boost, numerous press mentions, and increased customer engagement.
Creative Partners— Erik Asla, director, photographer; Lynda Goldstein, producer; Noella Cousaris Musunka, founder and CEO of Malaika

Create cultural relevance and long-term growth for your brand.