Mana Products Inc.
The ask Forge a new visual language for an industry-leading color supplier and powders laboratory.
The challenge How do you tell a supplier’s story of makeup artistry—formulation innovation and the development of world-renown product textures—for the fickle, trend-driven beauty industry?
The story Campaign visuals translate Mana’s core values of trend forecasting, innovation, and superior private label services into something visually unique, memorable and surprising. To create something spectacular, yet real, we demanded everything be shot in-camera. We brought in director Matthew Chaves known for his category redefining work with Fenty and Clinique.
The result This vision for Mana is born out of a desire to demonstrate how they help beauty brands put their “best face” forward, while promoting its own unique behind-the-scenes artistry.

Profit from strong strategy and creative effectiveness.